video images WIND WAVED FIELD Kenta Nagakawa Composition for video, sound and ventilators. In Kenta Nakagawa’s spatial staging, ventilators assume the physical and acoustic characteristics of the wind: the breeze created by the mechanical machines blows through 50 gauze strips which are lined up like trees in a nursery. This block-by-block ordering of projection surfaces […]
video images The Art of Noise Chih Ming Fan Immersive audiovisual space. 2 large projections, sound, plastic film base Chance and non-chance: the Taiwanese artist and designer Chih Ming Fan plays with coincidence and the expectations of the audience, characteristics of Cage’s composition. Soundscapes and noises, interwoven into an abstract listening experience, appear to randomly […]
video images light & piano Sebastian Selbach: light sculpture Composiiton for 64 playable line lamps – a dialogue Sympathetic towards John Cage’s Zeitgeist―which dissolved the classical boundaries between composer and performer, art and music, life and art―Yi-Ling Lam and Sebastian Selbach embark on an audiovisual dialogue. Yi-Ling Lam is a pianist and media artist. The […]
video images Slide Music: Cosmos of Machines Elisa Balmaceda Composition for 8 slide projectors and tempered colour films, based on John Cage’s “Atlas Eclipticalis” Like John Cage’s piece “Atlas Eclipticalis”, “Slide Music” is based on a Antonín Becv̌ ár star chart. Cage lay a score on top of the chart and drew in dots where […]