The Invisible Cities / Die unsichtbaren Städte

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Experiencing Space | Constructing Space

Inspired by Italo Calvinos „The Invisible Cities“ (die unsichtbaren Städte)
First experiences in media-scenography, Winter Term 2011/12

Materials: tissue, light, kinetics, holography.

Inspired by Italo Calvinos „The Invisible Cities“ (die unsichtbaren Städte)
models of imaginative spaces, their traces and characteristics have been
developed and connected by light paths as part oft the exhibition.

Space of Engraved Traces
Space of Flying Cloth and Light
The Holographic Space of Ephemeral Images
The Transparent Cube of Moving Lights
The Space of Adumbrations and Shadows

Michelle Park, Ilias Kyriazi, Sina Seifee, Rosa Wernecke, Yi-Ling Lam.
Supervisor: Prof. Heide Hagebölling-Eisenbeis in cooperation with Ruth Prangen, scenographer.